Foget the mommy makeover, it's time for the daddy do-over

From body contouring to dermal fillers, dads are increasingly heading to the plastic surgeon for a suite of procedures that has been dubbed the ‘daddy do-over’.

Ask any parent and they will likely tell you that having kids can do a number on your physique — and we’re not just talking about pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The lifestyle changes and demands of childrearing can have a dramatic impact on dads, too.

As the conversation surrounding male plastic surgery continues to evolve, more and more fathers are considering a collection of cosmetic procedures that have become known as the ‘daddy do-over.’ “The stigma against men having plastic surgery is falling, so men are more likely to get what they want,” says Nashville-based plastic surgeon Jacob Unger, MD.

Similar to its counterpart — the so-called mommy makeover — a daddy do-over typically consists of surgical body contouring (liposuction, tummy tucks, and male breast reduction). Some men take advantage of their OR time to tack on facial procedures ranging from blepharoplasty (i.e. eyelid surgery) and neck lifts to hair transplants and CO2 laser resurfacing.


Male Plastic Surgery Trends

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in 2018 (up nearly 30 percent since 2000) and liposuction was the second most popular surgical procedure for men.

“I think men are realizing they feel the same way as women do about not wanting to age,” says Scottsdale, Arizona-based plastic surgeon Richard J. Brown, MD. “With society’s emphasis on being healthy and in shape, men want their faces and bodies to match how they feel inside.”

As men age, fat tends to accumulate around the midsection. With less time to exercise and eat right, many guys — dads including — find it nearly impossible to reduce that stubborn bulge and are turning to surgery to reach their goals.

Dr. Unger, for example, has seen an increasing number of dads coming in for liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and back, as well as high-def lipo sculpting procedures that utilize laser and radiofrequency energy to target specific areas of fat and create the illusion of a more chiseled physique — especially in the ab area.


The Best Candidates for a Daddy Do-Over

According to both surgeons, the best candidates for these types of contouring procedures are men who are already in relatively good shape. “Patients need to have a body mass index (BMI) that is sufficient to support having surgery safely and to give them the best result,” Dr. Brown explains.

Plastic surgery should not be used an alternative to weight loss surgery, and patients who already have a healthy lifestyle in place — including a nutritious diet and regular exercise routine that allows them to maintain a healthy weight — are more likely to experience the benefits of just about any form of cosmetic surgery.

Seeing the sculpting results of a daddy do-over may even inspire patients to amp up those already positive lifestyle choices like following up a healthy meal plan and better lifestyle choices after the surgery.


Most Popular Daddy Do-Over Procedures

So, for dads (or, really, any man looking for a bit of fine tuning) what are the best face and body procedures to combine? Here are the answers from the experts:

As mentioned, liposuction were one of the most performed procedures on American men in 2018 alone. Dr. Brown says the sculpting techniques used during a daddy do-over do differ from those employed on mommy makeover patients. “For male body contouring, the way we shape the torso is different because the hip to waist ratios are different,” he explains. “Women tend to desire an hourglass appearance while men do not.”

As men age, their likelihood of experiencing gynecomastia (normally referred to as ‘man boobs’) increases. This excess of breast tissue and fat in the chest — as a result of an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen — can be exacerbated by certain medications and lifestyle choices. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that male breast reduction surgery rose nearly 50 percent between 2014 and 2018, making it the second most frequently performed cosmetic procedure among men.

In cases of extreme weight loss, a tummy tuck — which tightens the abdominal muscles and removes loose and sagging skin — may be the best and only solution to meet a patient’s goals.

Because of the significant stretching of both the skin and underlying muscle that occurs during pregnancy, women tend to seek out abdominoplasty more often than men. But that’s not to say they don’t have benefits for guys as well.

Not only seeking to undo their ‘dad bods,’ surveys show that men are also turning to cosmetic surgeons to help them look younger and maintain a competitive edge in the workplace. Both surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures, especially eyelid surgery and dermal fillers — are on the rise.


The Takeaway

Much like the mommy makeover, the results and impact of a daddy do-over typically run deeper than the physical aspect alone. In addition to restoring a patient’s physique, many report an overall improvement in their self confidence as well.



By Krista Smith - AEDIT aesthetics edit | November 2019 

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